Windows Update
If you receive a Windows Update error and can't find the information you need to solve the problem, you can search Windows Help and Support for topics about the error code. For a list of the most common error codes, see the table below. Click any error code for help with that specific Windows Update error. If your error code isn't in the list, you can go to the Microsoft Update Solution Center website, which provides information about other types of errors, as well as additional resources for problems about downloading, installing, or scanning for updates.
Windows Update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running
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Thu, 2 Apr, 2015 at 8:44 AM
Windows Update Error Code 80070308
This post deals with editing the registry. If you don’t know what that
is stop right here & ask so...
Fri, 24 Apr, 2015 at 2:13 PM